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Become a Member
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Why Join AAUW?

Your membership makes our powerful voice even louder on critical issues affecting women and girls.

  • Help break down barriers for women.

  • Interact with like-minded people.

  • Impact your community with programs that make a difference.

  • Network and learn from people with varied background and skills.

  • Share common interests in social groups.

  • Make career connections.

  • Exercise your mind.

Who is in AAUW?

We are the change makers in our community and country.

  • Graduates with a college or AA degree or higher.

  • Interesting, diverse, and passionate women and men.

  • People who are working, not working, about to retire, retired, or still in college.

  • Sierra College students have free membership (application below).

Branch membership includes affiliation to the national, state and local branch levels.


For more information or questions, please contact us.​

National ............................................ $72.00
California .......................................... $20.00
Roseville-South Placer Branch ........ $24.00
Total                                                  $116.00 


$93.00 is Tax Deductible

In principle and practice, AAUW values and seeks a diverse membership with no barriers on the  basis of gender, race, creed, age, sexual orientation, national origin, disability or class.

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