AAUW Public Policy Priorities 2023 - 2025
The AAUW California Public Policy Program establishes policy directives that will guide our members, inform our legislative priorities, serve our mission to advance equity for women and girls through advocacy, and are consistent with our values of achieving fair and equitable opportunities for our diverse society. Toward that end, AAUW California advocates policies that promote, enhance, and ensure:
Economic Security for All Women, including:
Equity in the workplace
Enforcement of workplace anti-discrimination statutes
Security in retirement
Access to job training for career development
Work-life balance, including access to quality affordable childcare and paid sick and care-giving leave

Equal Access to Quality Public Education for All Students, including:
Vigorous enforcement of Title IX
Adequate and equitable funding at all educational levels, including pre-school and post-secondary
Removal of barriers for girls to access instruction in STEM fields
Civics instruction in all CA high schools
Access to diverse staff and curriculum that represents historically accurate information
Funding adequate to support a strong infrastructure, and equitable access to resources, including technology
Opposition to the use of public funds for nonpublic and charter schools that do not meet public school civil rights and accountability standards
Social and Racial Justice for All Members of Society, including:
Self-determination in reproductive health
Equal access to quality affordable health care, housing, and a healthy environment
Freedom from violence in all its forms and wherever it occurs, including violence against historically marginalized groups, and support for policies that reduce or prevent gun violence
Guarantee of civil and constitutional rights for all, including all forms of gender identity and expression, and all family structures
Protection and expansion of voting rights
Support for United Nations sustainable development goals which address human rights and women’s and girls’ concerns
Increased Representation of Women in Leadership Roles, including:
Proportional appointment to publicly held corporate boards
Access to leadership skills training
Access to programs that promote participation in public service careers